UK Faith And Sexuality Survey Flawed: IFTCC
USA Equality Bill threatens Ex-gay identity
Spain denies religious freedom by banning therapeutic choice
Germany Wants to Ban Therapeutic Choice and Client Autonomy
Matthew Grech Reflects on Malta Conversion Therapy Ban at German Embassy
Conference Greetings from the IFTCC
Shlomo Zalman Jessel. Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) and Identity
Andrea Williams : Transgender in the UK - A Personal Story
Prof. Carolyn Pela: Narrative Therapy and SSA Women
Dr Keith Vennum: Greetings from the Alliance (USA)
Dr Q Van Meter: The Terrible Fraud of Transgender Medicine
Welcome: 4th IFTCC conference - Dr Mike Davidson
Tim Long: Re-integrative Therapy
Dr (Med) Christl Vonholdt: Transgender Case Studies